Are you managing the right areas of risk with the right planning for your investments?
The team at Retirement Mastery can help you match the right investments with your needs!
six areas of financial planning
Financial Position
- Know your current net worth
- Track your current income and expenses
- Manage Debt
- Project your current net worth, income and expenses
Risk Management
- Provide for survivors in case of premature death
- Replace earning power if disabled
- Protect your ability to meet your accumulation and education goals
- Guard against unforeseen liabilities
- Create and maintain an adequate cash reserve
- Provide for education expenses
- Purchase a house or vacation home
- Review your investment portfolio
- Determine asset allocation and diversification
- Minimize federal and state income taxes
- Project future income tax liabilities
- Develop long term tax planning strategies
- Ensure adequate retirement income
- Project the impact of an early retirement
- Utilize strategies for pensions and other qualified plans
- Determine exposure to estate and inheritance taxes
- Outline appropriate estate planning vehicles
- Take care of loved ones
- Review potential tax benefits related to estate planning
What is the color of your money?
Speculative Real Estate, Individual Stock Trading, Venture Capital, Options, Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Low Quality Corporate Bonds
mODERATE - blue
Blue Chip Stocks, Mutual Funds, Variable Universal Life, Home Equity, High Grade Bonds
lOW rISK - green
Gold & Silver, Safe Deposits, Checking Accounts, Monwy Market Funds, CD’s, Annuities, Life Insurance
Planning makes sense when you use the right color of money for your investments
Are you investing for Short Term or Long Term goals?
The information from and Ron Richards is published solely for informational purposes, the information provided is not to be construed as investment, legal, or tax advice. Should such personal advice be needed, you should seek the specific advice and services from a qualified professional.
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